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"If you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything." —Tomie dePaola

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From Colleen, 8th grade ELA teacher, Illinois:  "I cannot thank you enough for your generous contribution of your time and sharing of your personal experiences! You were described by our 8th graders as: cool, amazing, funny, interesting, and inspiring.  I believe our time together this morning will be a memory/experience that will stay with this class for a lifetime.  I wanted to share with you several excerpts from their written reflections at the end of our Skype session.  I simply asked the students, "What did you learn and/or gain from our time with Mr. Strasser?"

  • "Writing is a lot of work.  It takes more than just once in revising."

  • "He has inspired me to write more and now I have a lot of ideas for my book."

  • "All writers get bad reviews and they take it to heart to make their writing better."

  • "There's a lot more to being a writer than I thought."

  • "Good things take time...messing up is okay and mistakes will happen."

  • "Anything is possible if you try your hardest."

  • "Talent does not always come natural.  Practice does not make perfect - practice makes permenant."

  • "Life is about trying.  Being rejected is okay!  It just matters how you deal with it."

  • "Our talk with Mr. Strasser makes you want to be a writer yourself."

  • "You can do anything you put your mind to."

  • "Writing is rewriting."  



“A wonderful, thought-provoking experience! Thank you for getting up so early in the morning for a bunch of students waiting for you. You were giving us all a real insight into the writer’s profession, publisher’s craft etc. Even though mostly confident students were asking questions, I know that this experience will stay with the shy ones, too. Ironically, my students especially loved to see all sorts of items piling up in the back of your room.”  -- Stefan Reichhardt, teacher, Berlin Brandenburg International School

 I wanted to thank you so much for the Skype session on Thursday, Nov. 6th with my Reading Skills classes. They are a hard group to manage but you were able to keep their attention well! The lessons were valuable and they LISTENED! You made quite an impression on many of them and NONE of them had ever met a real author. I realized just how much that meant to them when visiting with their parents during conferences that evening and next day. They had all mentioned it to their parents or guardians after coming home from school.  ---  Katrina,   Reading Teacher,  Whittier Middle School, Norman, OK

 Thank you again so much for the Skype session. You have no idea how much it means to me, but more importantly, to the kids! They were raving about how funny and laid back you were. Surprising, of the 61 kids we had there, several were the at-risk kids, and I noticed that they hung on every word you said and there’s no doubt you made a profound impact on them because we live in one of the poorest districts in Ohio (so these kids really do not have much) so this was quite the big deal to them! Thanks again for everything you do! I will most definitely be contacting you next semester! -- Jon,  9th grade English teacher at Washington Court House High School in Washington Court House, Ohio

 "Hi Todd, Just wanted to say thanks again for the great Skype Session! The kids loved their time talking with you and all of your books are checked out of the library! Thanks again! " -- Dan Snyderman (3rd grade teacher)

"Thank you so very much, Todd. It is difficult to hold the attention of that class beyond a few minutes – trust me, I know that as well as anyone – and you had their rapt attention for thirty-five straight minutes. You defied their stereotypical notions of how an author would act. They found you to be funny, engaging, and energetic. You’ve charmed them! (No easy task.) I completely agree with them, but I would also like to add gracious, generous, and sincere. Thanks again. You have given all of us an unforgettable learning experience. -- Tony French (10th grade teacher)

"IT WAS GREAT! The kids really enjoyed it. It was so different from a regular lesson. You should have been a teacher – you have the touch! I want to thank you very much! I hope you don’t get too many calls from once the word goes out! Anyway you were wonderful and the kids were very impressed. Thanks again! " --  Karen Stanger (8th grade) teacher)

"I cannot tell you how much our 8th graders enjoyed themselves. They were engaged and interested in the things you had to say (they found your story about reading in 4th grade particularly inspiring). For the students to speak with an author who knows the ins-and-outs of writing, both as something pleasurable and as work, really gives them insight. What a gift, inspiring thirteen– and fourteen-year-olds to want to read more for fun!  I cannot thank you enough for allowing the students a unique opportunity to ask questions, and to hear candid answers, not to mention my gratitude for your ability to garner enthusiasm for the writing process. Sincerely, Emily Justesen  (8th grade teacher)

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